Sunday, October 9, 2016

Top 5 Reasons why learning in the workplace is important to me and should be for you! HRDO 561

Top 5 Reasons Why Learning in the Workplace is Important:

There are several different learning styles employees use to develop themselves in the workplace. Depending on how an employee chooses to engage with their surroundings, coworkers, and outside influences their perspective on the importance of learning in the workplace can vary. Here are my top reasons why learning in the workplace is important to me and I'll explain why it should be for you.

  1. Learning is a constructive process - As time goes on and people experience different phases in life, new perspectives on those experiences help to shape new ideas. In the workplace, as new ideas are formed, employees add to their base knowledge and skill set they began with. This allows the employee to refine their skills and adapt to changes within the organization over time. It is critical to be flexible with perspectives on learning and gaining knowledge to continue growth and development.
  2. Learning and development go hand-in-hand - Continuous learning in the workplace leads to development. Without this action, development does not occur. In every organization there is the employee that wants to learn more (engaged) and there are employees who want to remain stagnant and go home when the work day is over. Often times I've heard an employee say, "I just want to come in, do my job and go home. That's it." That statement makes me cringe. Every day is a new day to learn something knew to develop your experience, your mind, your learning and skill set. Successful organizations are constantly developing their employees by giving opportunities to learn.
  3. Constant learning in the workplace fosters understanding and an appreciation for different perspectives - As an employee continues to learn in the workplace, that employee can and should develop and appreciation for other learners working along side them and their perspectives. This is what allows the creative process in an organization to develop. Every organization should allow for a creative space for employees to share ideas and implement new processes. Product development is one area where continuous learning and appreciating a different perspective would be very important.
  4. Learning introduces change for organizations to stay competitive and current - Change is good. Change is needed. Change is inevitable. When change occurs, learning is synonymous with development. New processes are formed, new policies, new initiatives, new ways to communicate, and enhanced organizational cultures stem from change. To stay competitive with other companies in the market organizations must be able to adapt. And, that usually means change. 
  5. Learning in the workplace is a benefit to the employee and the organization - As an employee learns new things that individual will apply those new learnings to what they are currently doing within the organization. The organization can benefit from this tremendously. The employee is engaged and the organization is invested.

This list is certainly not exclusive. What are your top 5 reasons? I encourage you to find 5 different reasons!

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