Friday, September 30, 2016

Why does Leadership matter?

The topic of discussion is: Why does Leadership matter? Here is the list we came up with as a class:

  1. Leaders set the vision
  2. Leaders motivate and inspire others
  3. Leaders lead change
  4. Leaders have an external focus
  5. Leaders delegate appropriate tasks
  6. Leaders are adaptable to people and needs
  7. Leaders are romodels
Considering this list what do managers do that leaders do not do? While managers implement, support and carry out the vision, leaders set that vision. Leaders are visionaries, considering all things possible, that set the overall vision for those needing purpose. By purpose I mean a reason do to something, a reason to perform, a reason to model leadership behaviors, a reason to connect emotionally to learning, mindfulness, and the ability to be impactful in a way that creates dollar sense, increased shareholder value, market share, profitability, and status. Impactful leadership transforms the individual's learning style to have a deeper, cognitive meaning. There is an implicit connection by way of culture, similarities, difference, moral relativism, and experience. 

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